Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bitter sweet

Hi there everybody! I can finally tell you my news and what I'm up to. On 15 December 2012 I will be "closing" my beauty salon that I have been running for 11years. I have enjoyed every minute of running my own business, and definately recommend it to anyone to give it a try. It's been hard, constant work..but FUN! My clients are all awesome, and many have become great mates too. Running a beauty salon you always get to hear what's going on in Durban, and always feel part of the weddings or special occassions taking place. It was a decision that I had to think long and hard about,and pray about....but with Rebecca who's almost 9months old(and walking already!!!), it really was a no brainer. I would much prefer to me a "full time mom"! I said "closing", however.....I aim to open in late January 2013 after a quick overhaul, move ,paint etc and I will keep on my pedicure and eyebrow wax clients. I will have more space, as all I need is a corner for the pedicures , so I plan on having some retail space.

The idea is that I will see only 1 or 2 clients a day, and rather spend my time bringing up our dear daughter. My husband can see how well she is developing being in a "one on one" environment, especially with a granny who is an ex school teacher and librarian. Rebecca gets sung to all day long and shown interesting objects. Yes it will be a bit tough on the pocket with me not "earning", but we will make a plan and survive. My clients have been so understanding and back me 100% telling me "your baby will be grown up before you know it"! My friends all call me "lucky!" - perhaps, but I'm not "stopping" to be lazy and sit on my butt all day, I do plan on tackling a few things and bringing in "pocket money"!

I will be fun to make jewellery again, scrapbook and make cards, sew, bake and cook. Possibly garden a bit too. My goal is to host "Open days" where I can sell my wares, and possibly those of friends too. I am a very keen buyer of vintage and antiques, but space is running out in our home. so before a become a hoarder, I thought "good time to have a Spring clean and make someone else happy!" I love beautiful old things, and have realised I don't have to own and possess each and everything- I can still have these objects in my grasp, but pass their beauty on. So I also plan to "buy and sell" - message me if you have anything interesting you are planning on parting with, perhaps we can make a plan.

There are  fun projects  I am going to take on too, like repainting and decorating 2 old Barbie houses and sorting out my wardrobe and costume jewellery once and for all.

. It is scarey giving up what I know and love, and the constant happy chatter, but it is time for a "new beginning" and to unleash the creativeness I have building up inside, aswell as the "domestic goddess" who's just dying to come out and play! I look forward to 2013!!!